Thursday, December 20, 2007

Global Warming - Sign of the ungrateful

Oh, no!!The earth is on the fire!No...No...
Seems to be very weird, isn't it? Earth in the fire? I don't think so...It could not be...
What do you think? It's not important now the possibility for the earth to be on the fire.That's what happen now to our living.You believe or not, it has happened.It is the global warming.Days by days, it becoming worse.

Do you know what? This show the 'quality' of the human himself.Quality of damaging and changing the earth.This what we calle ungrateful, unthankful.Very well, human wants a very very good life until neglecting of taking care of this nature.If we refer to the Al-Quran, we will found many ayat about the earth.How Allah ask us to take care of this earth; To use mind in managing this nature.So far, human forget all that.Then, you can see now what happen to earth.Bad damage, huh!Therefore, better we should think about this.No matter what, as a caliph on this earth, it is our responsibility in taking care this nature, this earth and this environment. Wallahu a'lam.


Unknown December 25, 2007 at 2:10:00 PM GMT+8  

Tatkala meniti alam nan indah ini,

Terselit duka yang tersembunyi,

Duka itu perit tak terkata,

ALAM ini ke gerbang kematian...

Megahnya kemajuan di Dunia,

tiada gunanya,


Alam tanggungjawab kita,

dari Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa,


Apa ada cara,

Untuk menyedarkan manusia yang leka ini?

Daku hanya ada pena dan tinta,

untuk menukilkan derita ini,

Derita ... memikirkan alpanya insan,

lekanya manusia,

bermain-main dengan bala...

memandang enteng dengan bencana...

Anonymous December 12, 2008 at 5:04:00 PM GMT+8  

Haha... Gambar pertama global warming tuh ana lekat2 kat folio bio masa cikgu nik mintak folio. Tak sangka feymes sampai masuk kat cnii....

-=GEEKIDZ 92=-

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